Welcome to Part - 3 in the Telegram Python Bot series; in this post, we will be building an interactive bot that will send us songs from our playlists.
This Tutorial/Post is for educational purposes only.
Why make a music bot?
We listen to music every day, and no one hates music; it’s something that everyone enjoys while going through different emotional phases of their day and life; before music streaming became a success, music used to be sold on vinyl disks and broadcasted over the radio on Radio Stations, nowadays everyone has their personally curated playlists on various platforms. Let’s discuss how we will implement some of the online streaming features.
- Random songs from the playlist chosen
- Playlist in shuffle
- Random Shuffle of all the songs available
- Send all songs available
The first three options will be based on user input, and the last is just sending all the data available.
We have two options in which we can send songs to the user
- Files from local storage
- Files from Telegram servers
Using local storage to store and serve our songs is an excellent idea if songs are already stored on the machine, but it has drawbacks.
- Takes up a lot of disk space
- While sending many songs, bandwidth and data transfer issues may arise.
The above two problems can be solved using the files from Telegram Servers, Telegram is a chat service that uses the cloud to provide multi-device support, all of our data is stored in a data centre, and each and every file on Telegram, when uploaded, is assigned a unique 64-bit
client identifier called file_id
, these files are stored on the servers and can be sent by referencing these file_id
. We can upload any number of files and reference them; using this, we can overcome the two issues above; however, these file_id
are unique to chats and bots alike. For example, we upload a file bot1
and get file_id
- hexa123quad
We can’t use this file_id
to send the file from bot2
. The bots are uniquely identified using API TOKENS
, when a token is reset, all these files are lost, as in we lose access to the files though they might continue to exist on the servers until they are deleted as they are no longer in use, saving Telegram their server space. We’ll be writing the bot script keeping this drawback in mind; this can be eliminated by using persistent data stores/spaces, which can be discussed in a later post but are currently out of scope in this post.
Making the bot
- A Telegram BOT API Token
- Few songs/audio files on the local machine
Initial Setup
Setting up a virtual environment
Setting up a virtual environment helps us isolate our dependencies and keep track of them on a per-project basis. We can set up and activate our virtual environment on Linux-based machines using these two commands.
# python3 -m venv <- name of environment ->
python3 -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
Installing dependencies
pip3 install python-telegram-bot
### List installed lib/packages
pip3 list
### Save list of installed lib/packages to file
pip3 freeze >> requirements.txt
### Install dependencies from requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Please refer to PART-2 of this series to familiarise yourself with making a simple bot that echoes our message.
Working with Files
All music/audio files on Telegram can be identified as objects of Audio
class in the telegram
package, we need the file_id
attribute of this file.
Handling Audio files.
Using Messagehandler
let’s filter all audio
files, and file_id_command
to handle it.
dp.add_handler(MessageHandler(Filters.audio, file_id_command))
Now, all audio files will be handled by this function; let’s echo this message via the bot.
bot.send_message(chat_id=update.effective_user.id, text=f"{update.message.audio.file_id}")
I’ll be uploading some songs, and I will categorize them into 3 different playlists to demonstrate the multiple playlists’ functionality, upload numerous songs and take the file_id
and add them to the list playlist
, this is a nested list, where each item in playlist
is another list. Make sure you change the file_id
playlist = [
Song Command
Using the song command, let’s start to serve songs; we will provide 4 options, random
, shuffle
, random_shuffle
, all
in a keyboard fashion; Telegram provides keyboards in two ways.
- Telegram keyboard that replaces general keyboard.
- Inline keyboard - a keyboard that is shown in the chat itself.
We’ll be using the Inline Keyboard
, it provides a clean user experience and has callback functions. We’ll be having two callbacks showing new options based on user input, to keep track of user data and use it in other functions we will be using a nested global dictionary.
- Options callback
- Playlist Callback
Inline Keyboards
Let’s create the keyboard with InlineKeyboardButton
and InlineKeyboardMarkup
, InlineKeyboardButton
is used to identify a button and InlineKeyboardMarkup
is used to give information to the client for rendering the keyboard; the layout of the keyboard is similar to describing a matrix using lists
#Defining Keyboards
main_options = [
[InlineKeyboardButton(text="Random", callback_data="random")],
[InlineKeyboardButton(text="Shuffle", callback_data="shuffle")],
[InlineKeyboardButton(text="Random Shuffle", callback_data="random_shuffle")],
[InlineKeyboardButton(text="All", callback_data="all")],
playlist_option = [
[InlineKeyboardButton(text="Playlist 1", callback_data='0')],
[InlineKeyboardButton(text="Playlist 2", callback_data='1')],
[InlineKeyboardButton(text="Playlist 3", callback_data='2')],
#Creating Markups
main_options_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(main_options)
playlist_option_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(playlist_option)
Handling Callbacks
To handle callbacks from the InlineKeyboards
we need a dedicated handler called the CallbackQueryHandler
, since we have multiple handlers, we mention the callbacks that we can expect using the pattern
argument, which accepts bitwise operations.
dp.add_handler(CallbackQueryHandler(options_choice, pattern="^random|shuffle|random_shuffle|all$"))
dp.add_handler(CallbackQueryHandler(playlist_choice, pattern="^0|1|2$"))
-> options
-> playlists
Options and Playlist Callback HandlerWhen user chooses random
or shuffle
we provide them with playlist
choice, for random_shuffle
we ask for the number of songs as input and proceed to send songs. All the user choices are stored in the global dictionary.
Taking user choiceUsing a message handler and Filters
we’ll accept only messages while ignoring commands, typecast them into int
and store them in the global dict; let’s also make sure that we only process user input when required using flags such as accept
within the dict.
dp.add_handler(MessageHandler((Filters.text & (~Filters.command)), user_req))
def user_req(update, context):
if data[update.effective_user.id]["accept"] == 0:
data[update.effective_user.id]["num_songs"] = int(update.message.text)
data[update.effective_user.id]["accept"] = 1
send_songs(update, context)
Sending SongsWe will be using send_songs
method and will be accessing all the data stored until now, to send songs as per the user choice, and use the random
module to randomize the order of the list using the random.shuffle
method.To merge all the playlists, we can use the extend
method creating a new list all
with all the songs.
all = list()
# Using list comprehension
all.extend(song for play in playlist for song in play)
# regular way
# all.extend(playlist[0])
# all.extend(playlist[1])
# all.extend(playlist[2]
def send_songs(update, context):
if (
data[update.effective_user.id]["option"] == "random"
or data[update.effective_user.id]["option"] == "shuffle"
or data[update.effective_user.id]["option"] == "random_shuffle"
if data[update.effective_user.id]["option"] == "random":
# songs = random.shuffle(playlist[data[update.effective_user.id]["playlist"]])
songs = playlist[data[update.effective_user.id]["playlist"]]
random_songs = songs[0:data[update.effective_user.id]["num_songs"]]
for _ in random_songs:
bot.send_audio(chat_id=update.effective_user.id, audio=_)
elif data[update.effective_user.id]["option"] == "shuffle":
songs = playlist[data[update.effective_user.id]["playlist"]]
for _ in songs:
bot.send_audio(chat_id=update.effective_user.id, audio=_)
elif data[update.effective_user.id]["option"] == "random_shuffle":
all_songs = all.copy()
songs = all_songs[0 : data[update.effective_user.id]["num_songs"]]
for _ in songs:
bot.send_audio(chat_id=update.effective_user.id, audio=_)
elif data[update.effective_user.id]["option"] == "all":
for song in all:
bot.send_audio(chat_id=update.effective_user.id, audio=song)
We’ve successfully built a bot that can send us songs stored on Telegram Servers while providing a neat user experience throughout the option selection process; using the high-level classes in python-telegram-bot
, we can build bots faster, providing more functionality. I believe that by using the above example, you can make a great music bot based on existing features or create a new one from scratch. You can build much more interesting, functional and unique bots using this platform provided by Telegram; the only limits are our imaginations.
You can find the code on my Github Repository.
Thank you for reading until the end, and see you next time; until then, happy learning~ Kalyan Mudumby